
4 Simple Things that can Affect the Value of Your Home

Preparing to sell your home is exciting and can affect the value of your property. Of course homeowners want to profit as much as they possibly can so nothing in the preparation process should be overlooked. While not everything is under your control, such as the housing market itself, there are things you can do to keep that property value afloat.

Cleaning after your pets

While you may not notice it, your pets slowly cause an unpleasant smell and general wear & tear over time. It’s essential to keep up with cleaning and deodorising after them as smells will linger making it difficult to get rid of. No one wants to move into a smelly home, let alone spend their hard earned savings for it! Any damage pets cause should also be fixed up and it’s worth finding out a way to prevent these things from happening again.

Keeping up with regular maintenance

Regular home maintenance should never be neglected. The more you take care of your home’s assets, the more comfortable a buyer will feel spending a bit more especially if you have paperwork as proof for that extra peace of mind. Regular maintenance includes, painting, inspections, servicing, etc.

Updating your fixtures for efficiency

Having energy efficient fixtures in your home is something that you can benefit from immediately with a reduction in your energy costs. With so many new products being upgraded for efficiency to better the planet & your convenience, it’s almost expected that a new home would have these features.

Preparing for open homes

Open homes are like dates – you have one opportunity to make an impression so best to be prepared by looking and feeling good! It’s highly recommended for sellers to have their property pre-inspected to sort any big issues that will decrease the value of their home and could potentially cost more to sort if delayed.