
Tips to Enhance Minimalist Design

We are living in an age where people are understanding the need to live minimally and live sustainably, both for themselves and for the environment. Excess consumerism is not only harmful to the planet, it makes life more complex when you’re surrounded by stuff. A simple life allows you to experience more and stress less hence why more and more people are becoming minimalists. Let’s face it, clutter is uncomfortable – why should one live that way?

A minimalist home may not have much furniture or artwork on the walls, but there is a charming ease when you walk through the door….if it is done right. Some can take this movement too far and leave their home feeling too empty and cold.


If your home wasn’t designed from the ground up, it may not be suitable for minimalism. For example, the bedroom below wouldn’t work if those windows & that view wasn’t there. It takes a bit of creativity so let’s not doubt your home. These tips should help you on your journey to living a simpler life…

  1. Use warm or light wood

Warm tones and wood make the style, however, it’s easy to overdo it. The room below is already very warm in white, but adding a wood dining table compliments it even more. If the table below was black, it for sure would make the room cold.

  1. Add colour or artwork

The colour in the bedroom below brings it to life while still maintaining its warmth.

  1. Paint it white

When in doubt, paint it white. White adds light, brightness, and warmth – it also goes with just about anything. The previous images are examples showing good use of white.

  1. Purge regularly

It’s normal that you’ll consume stuff over time so make sure to purge the things you don’t need from time to time or else you may fall back into that trap. If it doesn’t bring you joy, say goodbye!